Macedonia Revisited
We all enjoy countries for different reasons; sometimes we have special memories there. Perhaps we found the beauty of the nature or the elegance of the cities particularly charming. Sometimes you visit somewhere though and you feel moved. This is how we feel about Macedonia. It’s a small country with a great deal of heart.
Mount Korab: Hiking the Highest Peak of Macedonia (and Albania)
This is a particularly special mountain, being the highest in two countries, a club of only a few members including Everest and Mont Blanc. At 2,764 m high, Mount Korab is also the highest out of the three mountains we attempted to hike.
Three Alternative European Wine Destinations
France, Spain, Australia, California.. All places we know and associate with producing great wines. However, wine culture goes far beyond these famous names. We think some of these lesser known destinations deserve to be on the map too.
A love letter to (North) Macedonia: Part 2
A necessary Part 2 to A love letter to (North) Macedonia. The previous post ended up being longer than intended due to an outpouring of appreciation from me, so here is the second part!
A love letter to (North) Macedonia
Macedonia is an absolute favourite country of ours and one of the first that we travelled to together. We barely knew anything about it, had essentially no preconceptions and had met few people who could even find it on a map, let alone who had travelled there. Macedonia is small country in the Western Balkans which has historically been under Byzantine, Bulgarian, Ottoman and Serbian rule, finally gaining independence in 1991 from socialist Yugoslavia. The addition of “North” to the name is a result of Greece taking umbrage with the name Macedonia, due to a Hellenic claim on historic Macedonia and also because some Greeks also themselves to be Macedonians…